Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Well, I’m starting to salivate!...

After spinning our wheels a bit at home figuring out whether we knew where the tickets were, did we have the hotel reservations, what clothes do we need for an overnight, things like that, we FINALLY got going about 9:30. But we still had to go back to Jeep to bring them a part for our car. We’re heading first for Don & Charlies, a baseball oriented bar & grill in Scottsdale that Kris told us about where we’ll have lunch and a beer. (Note to self: check the opening hours of restaurants before making plans. Don & Charlies only opens for dinner.)

We now will have a companion for all our games: Cubby Bear! I’d rather have Giants Bear, but our friends, Kris and Ray, are Cubs fans (or at least were in Chicago!) and when they went to the Build A Bear Workshop they built a Cubby Bear. Cubby Bear is very cute, all dressed in a Cubs uniform and we’ll be taking him with us to the ball games so we can get a photo of him (and us, of course) at every stadium.

Our first game and Cubby Bear’s first game—at least with us—was at Chase Field: San Francisco Giants vs Arizona Diamondbacks. If you care about baseball, you already know the outcome, 5-4 Giants after a nailbiter of an 8th inning! Bumgarner was great but then everything went south. Not completely south because the Giants did win, but only after Bochy went through four pitchers in the top of the 8th. Pretty exciting especially since our seats were just behind the Giants’ dugout, in the second row! We weren’t sure CB in his pretty carrier would be allowed, but he was so we’ll take that as an omen for future admissions.

We’ve been reading about the security measures such as no reusable water bottle,(wrong, at least for Chase) only unopened commercial ones and the fact that most if not all stadiums will have metal detectors at all entrances (true and a real bottleneck. I feel SO safe). Whoopee. It seems to me that is a solution in search of a problem.

Nice hotel and the concierge in the lounge wants to follow my blog! I’m acquiring fans!

So why am I salivating? Check out this website for the best food at baseball stadiums We did see—but not actually EAT—the churro on a donut described for the Diamondbacks’ stadium.

We’re home now and on to the Real Planning of our trip. Wish us luck!
Outside Chase Field, Opening Day, 2015

Giants lineup before Opening day. Game lasted 3 hours, 18 minutes. So much for speeding up the game!

Randy loved the location of our seats. No telephoto needed for this photo!

Madison Bumgarner

And again, Madison Bumgarner

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